Final Update Before Jam

  • Heavily tweaked combat balancing. Finally got to playtest it myself properly, so got a much better feeling for what wasn't working as planned.
  • Added better tooltips to Mouse's skills. Should be pretty obvious what does what, if it wasn't already.
  • Faust now has dialogue! Was hardly a proper villain with a monologue.
  • Froot and Bubi now have additional dialogue after you've done a couple runs.
  • Added flavor text to everything in the safe room. Mostly fluff, but some story hints in there. Click around!
  • Lots of spelling fixes. We don't need to mention the number of times I called her "Ironmoose"...

Also added screenshots to the store page. With less than 8 hours to go, this is almost certainly it before deadline, so hopefully it serves me well. Good luck everyone! Enjoy the game! Please give me your thoughts in the comments.

Files 136 MB
17 days ago

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